Estonian Embassy in Vilnius

Estonian Embassy in Vilnius

1996/ I prize/ Completed 1998/

Category: Public

Authors: Markus Kaasik, Andres Ojari, Ilmar Valdur, Inga Raukas

Awards: 1998 Estonian Cultural Endowment, architectural endowment Award for design of Estonian Foreign Ministry Embassy in Vilnius 

Estonian Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania, was built according to the winning project in the national architectural competition, held in 1996. It is the first newly built Estonian embassy after becoming independent again in 1991; it is also the first building in Vilnius specially designed to be an embassy, as the capital of Lithuania before the II WW was in Kaunas. In addition to the political significance, the building is clearly outstanding in Estonian architectural scene, which in the shadow of scanty, abolished form, deals with subjects like materials and meanings, identity, openness and closure, contextuality and its transformations. Already the light – grey limestone toned with light – blue stain, covering the main facade, directs one to attribute the material a hidden meaning, as limestone is one of the most traditional building materials in Estonia that also is at the status of national stone; cornflower blue is the dominant colour in Estonian flag (blue, black and white).

Physically and metaphorically entering the house and its territory, gives an outline of ideas, allusions and similarities – contrasts that have crept inside, in between and under the “too simple” a skin. Structurally the interior is determined by the dislocation of floor levels with different functions in relation to each other, resulting in a flexible half – floor system that avoids corridors. Of its architectural sensitiveness the interior space culminates in the main hall which’ one and a half storey volume projects from the main body. The harmony of its greyish black marble floor, milky glass panels and deep – green curtain is accentuated by steel braces that strengthen the glass wall. The nature of glass surfaces and its mutual reflections change according to outer daylight. Using pure and sensible materials added by all through architectural creative idea, the authors have carried out the building to the last detail with their sure vision.