Marienholm Peninsula Planning

Marienholm Peninsula Planning

2022 / Under construction / 75 000 m2

Category: Planning, Residential

Authors: Lisette Eriste, Gert Guriev, Ilmar Valdur

Project Team: 3+1 arhitektid (Lisette Eriste, Gert Guriev, Ilmar Valdur, Pirko Võmma)

The Marienholm peninsula is a unique place in the entire Baltic Sea region. Due to its openness to the sea, the environment built on the peninsula can be seen from all directions and has a strong impact on the entire skyline of Haapsalu. Reviving the maritime culture of the peninsula is important in establishing a new living environment. Because of that, the main aim of the project is to create landing opportunities for ships with different drafts. For example, the wharf at the top of the island is Haapsalu’s deepest waterway, which can attract guests from all over the Baltic Sea region. Due to that, the lagoon of Haapsalu Bay has great potential to become the Venice of the Baltic Sea and the epicenter of local maritime culture. The backbone of the peninsula’s public space is the 1.5 km long promenade that goes through 3 main historical and modern landmarks: a new spa-hotel, a historic water tower, and a restaurant located in the saved from the tsarist time and restored superstructure building. Residential areas are located between those 3 landmarks creating private areas with apartment buildings and sea villas.


Firstly, living space solutions take into account the possibility of a flood. At the same time, the proposal creates a strong connection with the coast, the surrounding landscape, and the promenade. Secondly, another challenge taken into account with the project is ensuring the privacy of residential areas in a situation where the entire peninsula is publicly accessible, especially during the high season.

The new environment for the peninsula supports an authenticity of experiences based on the uniqueness of the place. Altogether Marienholm’s goal is to encourage a slow, purposeful culture of consumption as opposed to mass tourism and immoderate consumption. Moreover, the identity of the peninsula grows over time through local creations – art, design, music, and other cultural events. The focus is on a slow and contemplative lifestyle – being in the moment, experiencing emotions directly and deeply.