Urban planning and architectural solution for the apartment buildings at Pirita tee 28
2022 / Invited Architectural Competitin entry / 48785 m2
Category: Commercial, Concept, Residential, Education, Public
Authors: Gert Guriev, Karin Harkmaa, Ilmar Valdur, Jana Pärn, Anne Vingisar
Assortii is the name of an architectural competition entry that offers a diverse and high-quality urban space, combining residential areas with varying degrees of privacy and carefully designed public spaces.
The project’s landmark building fills the missing link along Pirita Road, acting as a recognizable beacon and surrounded by a terraced green landscape. It serves as a gateway to a new urban environment, rising from the base of the limestone cliff to its summit.
Assortii plays a key role in connecting high-quality urban spaces. Moving along Pirita Road, the sequence begins with Lauluväljak, followed by Lillepaviljon, which blends seamlessly into the landscape. Next is Maarjamäe, where a monumental staircase leads to the History Museum’s enclosed courtyard, ending with the Memorial’s dramatic entrance that cuts into the terrain. Assortii sensitively positions itself within this distinguished series of landmarks.