Urban planning and architectural solution for the apartment buildings at Pirita tee 28

Urban planning and architectural solution for the apartment buildings at Pirita tee 28

2022 / Invited Architectural Competitin entry / 48785 m2

Category: Commercial, Concept, Residential, Education, Public

Authors: Gert Guriev, Karin Harkmaa, Ilmar Valdur, Jana Pärn, Anne Vingisar

Assortii is the name of an architectural competition entry that offers a diverse and high-quality urban space, combining residential areas with varying degrees of privacy and carefully designed public spaces.

The project’s landmark building fills the missing link along Pirita Road, acting as a recognizable beacon and surrounded by a terraced green landscape. It serves as a gateway to a new urban environment, rising from the base of the limestone cliff to its summit.

Assortii plays a key role in connecting high-quality urban spaces. Moving along Pirita Road, the sequence begins with Lauluväljak, followed by Lillepaviljon, which blends seamlessly into the landscape. Next is Maarjamäe, where a monumental staircase leads to the History Museum’s enclosed courtyard, ending with the Memorial’s dramatic entrance that cuts into the terrain. Assortii sensitively positions itself within this distinguished series of landmarks.

The architecture integrates both unique and modular buildings, fostering varied identities within the neighborhood. The most distinctive structure welcomes visitors from the limestone base, guiding them through terraces to the inviting Pirita Boulevard. Green corridors and intermediate spaces unify the area, ensuring a diverse and vibrant atmosphere.

Sustainable urban planning is a priority—maximizing greenery, minimizing asphalt, and integrating a landscaped water management system that helps regulate temperature and stormwater. Vegetation and reeds naturally filter water, creating a dynamic landscape that shifts with the seasons.

The Urban Park – Sea Axis follows a three-tiered design: the central stone-paved path is aligned toward the Old Town and the sea, culminating in a viewing platform extending beyond the slope, while its base rises as a watchtower offering panoramic views. Tall grasses along the edges ensure privacy for residents. A forest boardwalk connects tennis courts, playgrounds, and diverse green spaces, creating a fluid and engaging spatial experience.